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Advanced Service & Compressor Masterclass

If you have ever replaced a compressor and didn’t know why it failed, this course is for you. I want to reduce your stress level, teach you advanced electrical troubleshooting techniques and give you a deeper understanding how to troubleshoot compressors.  

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Free 5 Day Workshop

This 5 day workshop series is for refrigeration professionals like you who want to continue to invest in their refrigeration knowledge, and get a head start on your learning journey. 

Register for the Free Workshops Here


Intro to CO2 Service Program

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This CO2 Refrigeration learning program is designed to build up your confidence and teach you the in's and out's of CO2 refrigeration. It is a fast track course if you need to know how to work on the a CO2 system.

Supermarket Learning Program

Any person who completes this in depth learning program will have the tools, resources and confidence to figure out system issues and resolve them fast and effectively.  

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Photo of Nigel Birkett


CO2 Service and Maintenance Program

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This CO2 Refrigeration learning program is designed to build on the CO2 knowledge you already have when servicing, maintaining and troubleshooting transcritical CO2 refrigeration. 
